About Me 

I started my career in Housing Support over 20 years ago, working alongside young families living with the threat of eviction. I then side stepped into a similar role but with a generic client base working to support any vulnerable clients with their housing needs including eviction and supporting to avoid their threat of becoming homeless.

During these roles I gained a wealth of experience and work-related qualifications within the advice and guidance field. I specialised for many years working alongside Hoarders, Drug/Alcohol Housing Support Services along with agencies supporting their elderly and vulnerable client base.

I care about every single one of my clients, and the outcomes that are required from a clearance and cleaning service – and the true need for an empathetic and caring nature.

My experience with the contractors that I previously used throughout my career in housing, was that before during and after the job was completed there was no real care given to the clients or their property, often this would put the client right back in the situation they started in – or in some cases make the clients isolate themselves from agencies further leading to their situations becoming worse.

I am passionate about supporting those agencies/families and individuals that are the main part of my client base and supporting the clients from start to finish of a job in whatever way I can.

I am a single Mum of an 11 year old, and want her to be proud of her Mum her Mums business and most importantly my values.